Uranus Saturn


In 2016 Caring for Our Port Stephens Youth, known as COPSY initiated a research study by the Centre of Rural and Remote Mental Health at Newcastle University to build a clearer understanding of the mental health needs and experience of young people in Port Stephens.

The study clearly shows how big the problem is for young people in Port Stephens. These are the key findings from this research:

  • Port Stephens has the highest rates of mental and behavioural problems in NSW.
  • The prevalence of experiencing a mental disorder is highest in young adults aged 16-24 (Slade, Johnston et al. 2009).
  • Port Stephens has the lowest rate of mental health practitioners in the region. The costs and time involved in travelling to outer towns to get treatment becomes a big barrier.

COPSY decided to create Jupiter to tackle the main challenges faced by our young people when dealing with mental health issues:

  • Transport and cost
  • Stigma
  • Awareness
  • Lack of professional help in the community
Panel Telescope

You can download the Mental Health of Port Stephens Youth Needs Analysis Research Study using the link below:

Mental Health Port Stephens Youth Needs Report 2016 Mental_Health_Port_Stephens_Youth_Needs__Report_2016.pdf

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